Take your Power Back
My Story, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Catherine Chester My Story, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Catherine Chester

Take your Power Back

Living with chronic pain is no walk in the park, and it can leave you feeling powerless. Chronic pain can be the result of being powerless, and it can leave you feeling even more powerless. So, what's the chicken and the egg here?

I'll talk more about the link between nervous system dysregulation and pain in coming emails, but feeling trapped, stuck, or anxious for extended periods of time can result in increased likelihood of developing a chronic pain condition. Trauma, chronic stress, and childhood adversity are ripe conditions for setting up a sensitive nervous system.

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Deep Listening
My Story, Hakomi, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Catherine Chester My Story, Hakomi, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Catherine Chester

Deep Listening

First of all, I just want to support you to know that it's okay to be right where you are, as imperfect as you are, as hard as life can be. When something just continues to be hard, there's something to pay attention to. There's likely something that is deeper and more profound than your rational mind can understand.

I encourage you to keep listening. Keep showing up to whatever your process is, and just noticing what's here. So you feel so depressed that you don't want to get out of bed today? Okay, how can you meet yourself right where you are? In bed, needing rest.

What is trying to emerge?

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