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Pricing for Somatic Coaching

Sliding Scale and Packages

All coaching sessions are 60 minutes and take place on Zoom.

These sessions are either one or a blend of Hakomi-informed Somatic Coaching and/or Pain Reprocessing Therapy.

Sliding Scale Options for Single Sessions

Please note that this sliding scale is set up with the intention of mutual care.

I trust that you will choose honestly based on your needs.

Sliding Scale Tier One: $180 per one hour session

This reflects the honest cost of our time together, the training, education and inner work required for me to provide this service, and show up fully for each person I work with.

If you have financial security, own a home or property, and have significant personal savings or investments, this is the tier for you.

Sliding Scale Tier Two: $155 per one hour session

If you have access to steady income, but you are struggling to pay off debt, move away from paycheck to paycheck living, recover from the financial effects of the pandemic or other financially demanding circumstances beyond your control, you belong here.

Sliding Scale Tier Three: $130 per one hour session

If you are struggling to access basic needs, and the first two tiers prohibit you from working with me, you belong here. You deserve to be supported.

If this tier prohibits you from access, please contact me so that we can have a discussion about potential solutions. I may have availability for reduced fees for those in need.


Somatic Coaching Six Session Package: $750

A package of six one-on-one sessions.


If we have not worked together before, it is required that we meet for a free 30 minute consult first to determine that what I have to offer is going to effectively meet your needs.

Once we have both determined that we are a good fit for each other, you can purchase the package, and you be prompted to schedule your first appointment. From there, you will be emailed a link to schedule the rest of your appointments without a payment link.

Click here for a 45 minute free consultation on Zoom.

For new clients only.

Click here to book.

Keep an eye on your email, as I may need to contact you for minor scheduling adjustments.